Classroom Disclosure Form

 Ms. Hunter’s Classroom Disclosure


Welcome to a new school year! We are looking forward to an exciting year with many learning experiences for your child in kindergarten.  We are pleased to have the opportunity to work with you and your child and are committed to helping them experience a rewarding year!


Please find included in this disclosure helpful information for the school year and important guidelines, rules and policies that will help our classroom function well:


Contact Information/Availability:


Communication is a key part to a successful year. If you have any questions, the best way to reach me is by email.


Ms. Hunter will be at Quest Academy from 8:00-4:00pm.  Email:

Quest Academy:    801-731-9859

Full Day Kindergarten Schedule:

Classroom Rules:

Daily Schedule: 8:30 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.

Early Out Days: 8:30 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.

Morning Recess: 10:20 a.m. – 10:40 a.m. Lunch 10:40 a.m.- 11:05 a.m.

Snack: 1:50 p.m.- 1:55 p.m.

Afternoon Recess: 1:55 p.m.- 2:10 p.m.                        

1.   Be respectful 

2.   Be responsible

3.   Be kind

4.   Work hard

Communication Tools:

One of the main tools we use to share information with you will be through our class blog. We encourage you to subscribe to the blog so you will receive notifications when new posts are available. As you check our blog regularly you will stay updated on current classroom events and other updates. 

Another tool for communication will be our Take-Home Folders. One pocket of the folders will include papers that can remain at home (completed assignments, letters to parents, etc.).  The other pocket will include papers that need to be completed and returned  (permission slips, questionnaires, etc.) We ask that you send the folder each Library day with their library book. 

Personalized Learning Pathways:

Our students have the opportunity to progress through the Kindergarten standards at a pace that best fits their individual needs and strengths. Students will track their individual progress along the ELA and Math pathways. 


4 Student can meet the standard INDEPENDENTLY

3 Student can meet the standard WITH HELP

2 Student cannot meet the standard even with help

1 Student refuses to meet the standard

Understanding where students are in relation to mastery of the standards helps teachers and parents know if students need additional help, if students are proficient, or if students need further enrichment. At Quest Academy, students' grades are determined by student performance on various grade level assessments. Students are given multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery and proficiency of standards. For example, if a student receives a below proficiency score, he/she will not only be retaught, but will also have the opportunity to raise his/her score by retaking the assessment multiple times throughout the school year. We are excited for the opportunities offered to our students for academic growth.


Homework is not required in our class. We do encourage you to read with your child everyday to develop their love for reading. You may also choose to practice letter and sound identification and high frequency word recognition. In addition, you may choose to have your child practice math facts on the iReady program under Learning Games.  


Kindergarten is a chance to learn great social skills. We follow the Love and Logic principles of discipline. Kindergarten children can learn expectations and gain an understanding of following those expectations. It takes some practice for the children to gain the experience, but a classroom setup with clear expectations fosters learning. There are a few rules and many procedures, and we will spend many weeks practicing these. It is important to us that our students love coming to school and feel excited about the new things they are learning. We teach respect by example and we want them to feel loved and respected. It is our goal to teach our students the “good feeling”, or intrinsic reward that comes from making good choices. If a child makes a sad choice, there will be a consequence for their choice. Should a situation arise when your child demonstrates extreme behaviors, we will set up a conference with you. 


In order to enrich your child’s educational experience, we ask for voluntary donations of supplies.  Needed supplies are found on our class blog (“supply list” under “Parent Information”).  Voluntary donations for field trips and class parties are also appreciated. Additionally, donation of your time is critical to the class... we love to have parent volunteers!   


As your child’s birthday nears, watch for a small bag with birthday celebration instructions. We generally celebrate summer birthdays the first week of school. We will highlight the birthday child at the end of the school day. Some children choose to bring a small token gift for the students. As per Quest’s Wellness policy, we ask that students not bring in any food-type treats. One suggestion is that a book be donated to our class library in lieu of treats. Please do not feel obligated to have your student bring in anything for his/her birthday; this is completely optional.  

School Calendar: 

Please be sure to check the school calendar for “Early Out” or “Minimum” days and “No School” days. You can view/obtain a copy of the calendar from the Quest Academy website. There will be additional days that Kindergarten is not in session due to testing and conferences. We will provide advanced notice about these days.


We do our best to prevent the spreading of germs in Kindergarten. We use sanitizer often and encourage proper washing when using the restroom. We teach the children proper nose blowing, sneezing and coughing, followed by sanitizing. We also learn what to do if they need to vomit. We realize you don’t always know for sure, but please do not send your child to school if you suspect they are ill. Please also keep them home if they have had a fever in the last 24 hours. Be sure they have had antibiotics for at least 24 hours prior to sending them if they have had a contagious disease such as strep throat or pink eye. Always ask your doctor the appropriate time frame before sending them to school. 

School Wide Policies:

*Dress Code: All students are required to wear uniforms. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children wear the designated school uniform clothing as outlined on the Quest website. For your convenience click here: Quest Dress Code

*Name Badge:  Each student at Quest Academy is given a name badge at the beginning of the year and is required to wear it.  These badges remain at school each day.  If your child forgets to remove their badge at the end of the day, please have them immediately put it in their backpack to ensure they will have it the next day.  If the badge is lost or broken, a new one can be purchased at the office for $5.  Quest Online Payments 

Read and Review Form


We (parent/guardian/student) have read and reviewed both the Parent/Student Classroom Disclosure and the Quest Academy Parent Handbook (on the school’s website), and agree to adhere to all rules, policies, requirements, and guidelines.  We acknowledge that we can access another copy on the class blog if needed.


I, _______________________________________ (student’s name), understand and agree that


1. I am expected to be on my best behavior and to follow all classroom and school rules. 

2. I will be expected to be responsible for all my classwork and projects. 

3. I will be prepared to learn, including being prepared with all necessary materials and a positive attitude for learning.

4. I will do my best work, including my best on classwork and tests. 

5. I will be respectful to my teacher and to all other students.


Student Signature:____________________________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________


 You may either print and sign this final page or sign online at the following link:  Disclosure Read and Review Form


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